Form validation

Formite supports validation of individual fields and / or validation of the entire form.

Field Validation

Specify a validation function when using any of the useField() Hooks or any of the Field components.

The function receives the current value and should return undefined or an empty string if the value is valid. Otherwise it should return an error message. If validation is asynchronous the function should return a Promise.

You can access and display the error message either through error or visibleError on the Field.


const required = (v: string, field: Field) => (v ? "" : "Field is required");
const handleSubmit = (values: any) => {
const LoginForm = () => {
const { canSubmit, fields, Form } = useForm({ email: "", password: "" }, handleSubmit);
return (
<legend>Login form</legend>
<input type="text" {...useInput(, required)} />
<input type="password" {...useInput(fields.password, required)} />
<button type="submit" disabled={!canSubmit}>Login</button>

Form Validation

Assign a validation function to options.onValidate when calling the useForm() hook.

The function should return an empty array if all fields are valid. Otherwise it should return an array with error messages. Also the function can use the supplied setFieldError() function to assign errors to individual fields.

You can access and display the form errors through the formErrors property of the useForm() hooks state.


const handleValidateForm = (values: any) => {
if (!values.firstName && !values.lastName) {
return ["Missing names"];
return [];
const submitValues = (values: any) => {
const SimpleForm = () => {
const { canSubmit, Form, fields, formErrors } = useForm(
{ firstName: "", lastName: "" },
{ onValidate: handleValidateForm }
return (
<label>First name</label>
<input type="text" {...useInput(fields.firstName)} />
<label>Last name</label>
<input type="text" {...useInput(fields.lastName)} />
<button type="submit" disabled={!canSubmit}>Save</button>
<span>{"Form errors: " + formErrors.join(", ")}</span>